welcome, fellow traveller !

Click the titles to read aboutthe individual characters !


coming soon..

Milavani Acacius


Arne Frisklief

Private roleplay characters

these are my other alts that I don't usually get out on but may roleplay in a specific setting or upon request!


Age: Mid 20s
Species: Oni
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single [Poly]
Alginment: Chaotic Neutral
Origin: Eastern Menace
Occupation: Info Broker & Sniper
Hobbies:Doodling, Sewing & 'Baseball'
Homeworld: Balmung
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: Yes
Cael is one of Hingashi's top info brokers, it's his job to know everything about everyone and sell the details to the highest bidder... Or every single person who would be interested, why limit the profits?

"I'm just a entrepreneur. I sell what people want... And what people want is information."

CAEL's backstory

Birth to my creation.One evening in shirogane, a noble woman is betrothed to a man madly in love with her. The feeling was mutual, and the duo were like two puzzle pieces made to fit together. Her family were most proud, supporting her through the marriage and settling into her happy life with him.However they soon found out that she could not produce an heir within their long line of nobility. Her husband grew distant, her family grew ashamed... Then one afternoon, she returned home early to find her husband laying with another woman. Her sister.She learned not long after that her sister was pregnant, and rather than covering up this scandal, her family embraced it. The disloyalty was ignored, her sister was married to him as fast as the family could find an officiate. The now ex-wife ound herself alone, forgotten and most of all, betrayed.Rarely do mortals hate so passionately and wish misfortune deep enough for an Oni to be created in such a way... Yet when the baby was born, there was no denying it.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------To be reborn, you must first die.Cael's early life consisted of a rough up-bringing on the streets of Kugane where he spent the majority of his time stealing and fighting to get by. Even losing a leg along the way. He was a shadow that had noone and nobody knew him either. A boy that might as well of been made from cellophane or glass. However, this life in the shadows meant that he had quite the knack for knowledge. Other thugs, the black market, areas that people came asking for information on... And he had answers that people would pay generously for.This would come back to bite him quickly, a group of slavers caught wind of information that they desired from him. Though they had no intention of paying and instread tortured it out of him, including the removal of his right hand. He would've been disposed of or sold, when he was rescued and taken in by the Abyss Clan. They gave him a new name, a safe haven and a found family to silently pledge his loyalty to.

CAEL's hooks

"If you want to know a city, ask the rats."
Is there information that you desire about someone? An enemy? A friend? A lover? Anything that you need to tie together with information otherwise unobtainable, hiring an info broker might just be your lucky way of progressing.Of course, Cael loves gil, but not as much as he loves people and learning things. Everything. About everyone. While gil is a worthy exchance, some scandalous information might be equally desirable in payment."If I am an angel, paint me with black wings."
Given that he's an Oni, he'd be identifiable to anyone that would be able to sense the difference in his aether or have a 6th sense when it comes to detecting those kinds of beings. After all, the horns on his head are a telltale sign that he's not exactly the most normal of viera.He's also incredibly allergic to beans due to his Oni origin."If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."
The line of work Cael participates in tandem with his quick tongue often gains him a lot of enemies. He's no stranger to pissing people off, whether it's a simple snide comment or an elaborate conflict. Are you looking for an alliance or even maybe a new enemy?Still, he thrives in that life style. One of his hobbies is sewing stuffed horrific little bears and he'll often leave one as his calling card occassionally, just to let hia enemies know that he's been around.Plushy References:

CAEL's Gallery


Age: Mid 20s
Species: Cabbit [Viera / Miqo]
Pronouns: Any Pronouns
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single [Poly]
Alginment: Lawful Neutral
Origin: Thavnairian Dancer
Occupation:Ex-Professional Dance, Detective.
Hobbies: Photography, Scrapbooking, Journaling.
Homeworld: Balmung
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: Yes but Good Luck
Mila is a detective in a small agency that spreads their cases wide from murders most foul to supernatural phenomenoms. They're intelligent and witty, but don't know much about their own past.

"You can learn a lot about a person by the answers they give. You can learn even more by the questions they ask."

Mila's backstory

"Who I was doesn't matter. I'm here now."Mila joined the detective agency after their own case had fallen in the agencies hands by walking right through the front door. The sudden appearance of an individual who didn't seem to know anything about their past life but their name, Mila. A person who was looking for a job as a simple assistant, seeming rather formal and proper upon first appearances. The first case Mila ever accepted as part of the agency was their own, even though that mystery has yet to be unravelled even now.Of course, at first their role in the mystery was a loose commitment. For the most part, the agency took them in more so to keep records and other files in check. However as Mila proved to have a knack for intuitiveness and a lot of cunning, they gained a place as the second official member.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Everyone has their secret desires... and I'm no exception."Unknown to Mila, they were a renouned Thavnairian dancer, a courtesan that people would come far and wide to meet. To watch

tyrbrann runesten

Age: Late 20s
Species: Viera
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single [Poly]
Alginment: True Neutral
Origin: Ul'dah Street Rat
Occupation: Thieves Guild Boss & Fight Club Owner
Hobbies: Tattoo Art , Mixology & Fitness
Homeworld: Marilith
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: Yes

"Everyone says they don't like violence...
...Everyone also stops to watch."

brann's backstory

Tyrbrann's parents were a couple of travellers, incredibly poor with a few hungry mouths to feed which all became too much. Brann and his siblings were left behind in Ul'dah with no news of what became of their mother and father. He made the city his own, growing up on the streets of with a rag tag group of young thieves. Only him and one of his siblings made it to adulthood. He'd spend his days pushing his fighting skills and put them to the test in fighting matches every night. Many times he'd walk away with broken bones, large bruises and cuts, but every loss was another lesson learnt for next time.He soon gained a reputation both in the ring and within the criminal underground. As his reputation grew, so did his gang and the scale of the jobs they were taking on. They'd gone from petty pickpocketing to organized heists. The group took on the name YU YI and opporated under that title for the guild. (Meaning the desire to feel intensely again.)However what goes up must come down. He let one of the gangs affiliates take the lead which all turned out to be a double-cross. A few of the gang members lost their lives, including the one family member he had left. If he hardly trusted anyone before, that was the final nail in the coffin of Brann truly trusting anyone.

Kibou ki

OOC Note: Kibou is very much my mystery muse, if you want to learn more about him, you've gotta talk to him!

Age: Mid 20s
Species: ???
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Devoted yet clueless
Alginment: Neutral Good
Origin: Cyborg Amnesiac
Occupation: Hacker & Bookkeeper
Hobbies: ???
Homeworld: Brynhildr
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: To be worked up to!

"What's 848 x 387? 328176."
"What's my favourite colour?... That's an invalid question."

Kibou ki

OOC Note: Kibou is very much my mystery muse, if you want to learn more about him, you've gotta talk to him!

Age: Mid 20s
Species: ???
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Devoted yet clueless
Alginment: Neutral Good
Origin: Cyborg Amnesiac
Occupation: Hacker & Bookkeeper
Hobbies: ???
Homeworld: Brynhildr
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: To be worked up to!

"What's 848 x 387? 328176."
"What's my favourite colour?... That's an invalid question."

Arne Frisklief

[ Truths he won't tell early | Lies / Fake Identity ]Age: Early 20s
Species: 1/2 Viera - 1/2 Lupin
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Mostly romantically monogamous, Could be open to poly.
Alginment: Chaotic Lawful Good
Origin: Hingan Assassin Party Boy
Occupation: Loan Shark & Hitman Bodyguard & Culinary Student.
Hobbies: Surfing, Cooking, Fishing, Sports & Fitness.
Homeworld: Balmung
RP Hangouts: Yes
Gpose Collabs: Yes
NSFW Interactions: Yes

"The best kinda parties are the ones that get out of control. Somethin's gotta get broken. Glasses. Rules. Even People."

Arne's backstory

Fake Identity

Early Life.
Arne was raised in a completely normal household where he was very much a golden child and played the role of protective big brother to his younger siblings. He always helped his parents and even as he got older was very much the one everyone turned to to carry the weight. Though it was never too much for him. His fondest memories came from cooking with his mother and this is where he found his passion for cooking.

Current Life.
Arne decided to persue that passion in the culinary arts and travel from place to place. He picks up internships and positions in culinary studies to learn about the culture in the area regarding food.Outside of his work he spends the majority of his time socialising and partying with friends.

Arne's backstory

real identity

Early Life.
Arne was raised in a yakuza household where he schooled to bring honour to his family and played the role of their main successor given he was years older than his siblings. He always did his best, however their clan soon fell into a dark period of time where gil was fleeting and their power was draining fast. He became involved in many crimes and trained hard with mastering weapons to make ends meet.

Current Life.
Eventually his parent's debts caught up to them, not only were they killed for not paying but the responsibility to pay them fell onto Arne after their demise.After his clan fell into chaos, Arne became a loan shark and a skilled hitman for multiple contacts, serving others for large amounts of cash. Despite all this he still acts as guardian to his younger siblings who are staying in the brume who he also sends money to have them cared for.

Arne's Gallery

ooc information

GeneralHello! Nice to meet you! Feel free to call me Winter or Jamie [He/They!] . I'm a freelance artist from the UK who loves to play a range of games and watch many different shows, this includes with my RP partners so let's be friends! I'm a huge D&D nerd and love roleplay of all kind. If there's something specific you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask!Please note that while I am an extravert I do have a lot of social anxiety, so can come off as shy in certain situations!Please don't interact if...
♥ You're a Minor
♥ You meet basic DNI criteria [Racist, Transphobic, Homophobic, etc.]
♥ You have trouble distinguishing IC from OOC
Roleplay Terms
♥ Please note that I sometimes have plans with friends or my FC so I do get busy. If you see me online, please send a tell rather than assuming!
♥ Please talk about it with me beforehand if you wish to include dark or angsty themes if it isn't in an obvious environment to include this (E.G at a fight club). While I enjoy this kind of roleplay, it can be shocking when out of nowhere if I wasn't in that headspace!
♥ SFW interactions and plot are just as loved for me as smutting, I enjoy character development and all interactions are appreciated ♥
NSFW Limits
♥ NSFL ♥ Scat ♥ Vomit ♥ Lalas (just not my cup of tea!)
If there's anything else you're unsure of that you're looking to rp, honestly just ask!